Discover our custom-made Full Colour Condom Wrapper (62x85mm), including a CE-certified latex condom. The perfect promotional tool to impress your target audience! The cardboard wrapper is printed in detail in vibrant colours, making your message stand out and stick.
The condom is wrapped in a stylish black/silver foil, with Day&Night’s signature logo. On the black foil side you will find the CE0123 certification. The silver foil side contains the CE0123, the LOT number and the expiry date.
Our Condom Wrapper offers not only protection, but also clear instructions for use, all neatly described on the inside of the package.
Want to add an extra dimension to your promotional material? Then choose our Condom Wrapper + Condom Classic Full Color option, which allows you to personalise not only the packaging, but also the foil of the condom on the front.
Discover our custom-made Full Color Condom Wrapper (62x85mm), including a CE-certified latex condom. The perfect promotional tool to impress your target audience! The cardboard wrapper is printed in detail in vibrant colours, making your message stand out and stick.
The condom is wrapped in a stylish black/silver foil, with Day&Night’s signature logo. On the black foil side you will find the CE0123 certification. The silver foil side contains the CE0123, the LOT number and the expiry date.
Our Condom Wrapper offers not only protection, but also clear instructions for use, all neatly described on the inside of the package.
Want to add an extra dimension to your promotional material? Then choose our Condom Wrapper + Condom Classic Full Color option, which allows you to personalise not only the packaging, but also the foil of the condom on the front.
Please read these guidelines before making your artwork.
The red and green lines shows where the cuts are going to be made. So please be carefull with any info/text close to these lines. Make sure your design fits the red line and your text is within the green line with a margin of 3mm.
Color mode: Use CMYK mode for your design.
Text: Be sure to convert all text to Outlines or enclose the font with your order.
Resolutions: All designs and images need to be 300 dpi at real size (design at 100%). Lower resolutions can result in poor results and higher will only increase the document size.
Save your artwork in PDF format and in the Adobe PDF presets select High Quality Print and in the options check the box that says Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities.
Accepted File Types: PDF, PNG and JPEG. We don’t accept low resolution JPEG or PNG files.
Price per piece*
Total price**
Production time***
€ 0,90
€ 225,00
2 weeks
€ 0,80
€ 400,00
2 weeks
€ 0,71
€ 710,00
2 weeks
€ 0,61
€ 1.525,00
2 weeks
€ 0,53
€ 2.650,00
3 weeks
€ 0,50
€ 5.000,00
4 weeks
* Start-up costs € 55 per order.** Production time (in weeks) after approval of the artwork.*** Excluding shipping costs and start-up costs.
Read in advance these design specifications so that your personalized condoms will look exactly as you want. If you need help with designing, please contact us.
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